Have you been asked to submit a capability statement as part of a business proposal or tender application? If so, you're going to need to start preparing as to what you will include in your statement.
In this article, I will provide 5 tips to help you structure your capability statement more effectively.

When it comes to preparing a capability statement, you want to first start off working out what you want to include and what you think is irrelevant or unnecessary and can be left out. This is the most important step. Once you know what you want to include, you can then start writing and designing your capability statement.
Before you go about preparing the structure and outline of your new your capability statement, I have some suggestions that you may want to consider:
Tip #1 - Don't be fixated on having less pages
We come across so many clients who say that they just want to build a short capability statement, no less than 2 pages, but at the same time they want a substantial amount of information covered in the statement. It doesn't work that way. Less pages isn't necessarily better. If you are going to have less pages, then you're best to have less content and vice versa. That leads to my next tip:
Tip #2 - Don't cram content in a few pages - space it out
The last thing you want is for your capability statement to looks crammed. Every page in the statement should be neat and clean with the right amount of content, background and images. It should be easy to read and follow.
"It should be easy to read and follow" – MATTHEW COPPOLA, Capability Statement Writer, ClientCentric
Tip #3 - Make it personal
It's your capability statement. Make sure that whatever structure you go with, it follows exactly how your business is structured and your service or product offering. Don't digress.
Tip #4 - Keep it well organised
An effective capability statement is one that is well organised, structured and flows.
Tip #5 - Ensure it covers the basics
It's crucial to make sure that your capability statement clearly explains about your business, what you do and why do business with you. Feel free to read our other article entitled: Should Every Business Have a Capability Statement? by Matthew Coppola.
If in doubt, come to the professionals.
Here at Client Centric, we specialise in writing and designing powerful capability statements. The process of preparing, then writing and designing a capability statement can be overwhelming for many businesses. If you are interested in having us quote to write and design for you a capability statement, feel free to reach out to us today through our contact us page.