For many, saying the word ‘money’ interview setting is a dirty word. But one begs the question, is there anything wrong with mentioning money, especially if it’s the primary reason why you’re on the job hunt?
To answer this question, we need to carefully consider the reasons behind why people are afraid to say money is the determining factor behind their job search efforts and for wanting to leave their current employer.
An article written by Kristin Wong from the New York Times mentions that many of us were brought up from a young age believing that money, like sex, is one of those topics that we should not bring up in a polite conversation. It’s like the conversation of money is almost taboo.
She goes on to say that forces are at play here, such as the intimidation factor and embarrassment prevent us from mention about money.
Another article by Inc entitled How to Talk Money in a Job Interview makes a good point that it’s best to ease into the topic of money in an interview setting and to know your worth.
It’s true to say money isn’t everything when it comes to the perfect job. But it does mean a great to the self-esteem and personal feeling of worth to many who feel income, or size of it, is a good measure of themself and skilfulness.
Indeed, this is a personal topic, and everyone will be different. Not everyone is comfortable mentioning money in an interview.
On a personal note, I think that money is part of the whole employee-employer relationship. For your services, they provide you with money. The employer is more than willing and happy to ask YOU questions about what you can do for them. It only makes sense then that a respectful and tact conversation on money emerges as that is the return to you for your services as an employee.
Eventually, though, unless the job is a voluntary, unpaid position, money will be mentioned. It’s up to you then to have that conversation and to know what the market is paying for someone of your experience and calibre, while at the same time not being unrealistic to push the employer away because they feel that you’re too expensive.
Matthew Coppola, Client Centric Executive Employment Solutions (

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