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  • Writer's pictureMatthew Coppola

When You Get the Feeling of Regret About Your New Job

You've probably heard the term 'buyer's remorse.'

This can happen when you purchase an item at 25% off, only to see it on sale the next day at 45% off. Or you see another item and think that maybe I was better off buying that item instead. It can be worse when you consult family and friends, only for them to make unsavoury comments about your buying choices that you end up regretting.

This is similar to our career choices (or just what job we do); some individuals may feel a level of regret and remorse about the job they have applied for and secured.

After two weeks in the position, they see another job advertised and wish they had waited to apply for that role.

Why does this happen?

Probably for many reasons. However, you may have secured a job, only to feel that the job does not fit in with your innermost feelings and attitudes about who you want to be and how you define yourself.

One way to deal with this situation is to view your current job in a positive light. Look at the good aspects of the role, what you like about it, what you enjoy about the workplace and what you will learn from being in the job. Perhaps a new skill, maybe. But such a suggestion means that you have to avoid looking at the negative side of your choice in a job.

That might even mean stop looking for alternative roles for a short while.

And when you are ready, use the time you have been in a job to perfect your resume and cover letter to start applying for another position.


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